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With winter fast approaching, you can expect the common cold and other illnesses to disrupt your daily grind. Whilst focusing on staying healthy, why not think about the health of your home as well?

Here are the six major ways your home can get sick:

1. Mouldy Walls and Ceilings

Properties, especially those built on the coast or on permeable clay soil, are susceptible to moulds.

Moulds are signs that there is a moisture leakage somewhere. It could be linked to insufficient air flow, a leaky roof, moisture in the subfloor or an issue with draining and guttering.

If you’re unable to get up into or onto the roof or under the house yourself, hire a builder to do the job for you. Improved ventilation or new drainage corrects most issues.

2. Severe Cracking

Cracks more than five millimetres in width may relate to a home’s foundation’s movement – a costly problem to correct.

Tree roots sucking moisture from the soil causing it to dry up can cause cracks. Weak foundation or moisture issues in the subfloor area are possible causes too.

When you see severe cracking, contact a reputable builder right away. They will drop by, take a look at your problem and fix the problem for you.

3. Faulty Windows and Jamming Doors

Another sign that moisture is slowly destroying your home is when there are doors and windows getting stuck in a closed position or can’t be closed at all. It is moisture that causes the wooden frames to expand and contract.

When this happens, check for leaks and other symptoms of moisture. We also advise getting a professional to address the problem’s cause, as well as the faulty doors and windows themselves.

4. Rotting Wooden Decks and Balustrades

Wooden decks that are rotting can either be a sign of a dreaded moisture issue or termite infestation. Whilst this is a preventable problem, this poses a very serious safety risk to homeowners and tenants when overlooked.

Single wooden board replacements are cost-effective, short-term fixes. On the other hand, if you want a long-term solution, consider replacing the whole deck or balustrade instead.

5. Musty Smells and Water Stains

A musty smell can mean that your home is in trouble. Teamed with stains, mould or wet patches are sure signs that something isn’t right. These should be addressed right away as these can cause homeowners or tenants to get sick.

Causes of this can be poor ventilation or a hidden leak requiring attention. You can fix this by replacing the carpet, getting rid of the moisture source and improving ventilation.

6. Termites

Termites move quite fast, so if you see a trail of mud in the wood (or even concrete parts) of your home, call a pest inspector as soon as you can. Our multi-awarded team can help you out with this one.

Keep your eyes peeled for wood damage in and beneath your home, especially if you’re in a bushy area. Serious damage and an infestation can be prevented if termites are spotted early enough.

Think Your Home Is Sick?

Get your home back to full health before it’s too late. Now is the time to contact a property inspection expert for an assessment.

At Bob Gunn Termite Solutions , we can provide you with a thorough building and pest inspection as well as a termite treatment if necessary. Give us a call on 07 3286 9877 or book online to get discounted price. We look forward to hearing from you!

Rodents always make their way to the list of the most threatening pests in the food industry. Their activity in food establishments especially increases during the cooler months since low temperatures prompt mice and rats to seek shelter in warm areas with easily accessible food and water.

Do Not Underestimate Rodents
Pest control matters a lot in restaurant health inspections, which is why restaurateurs ought to have a plan to prevent rodent issues. In fact, a mere evidence of a live mouse or rat being discovered can lead to a food establishment being shut down until the problem is resolved.

Protect your business and reputation by keeping rodents out of your establishment and its online reviews. Here are a few steps on how you can keep rodents out of your restaurant.

1. Inspect or Get Inspected

Proper inspection starts with determining rodent hot spots and knowing what to find. The following are a few of the most common rodent hot spots and runways:

  • Stored Product Areas
  • Cluttered Offices/Back Rooms
  • Behind and Under Kitchen Appliances
  • Within Wall, Ceiling and Floor Voids

Signs of Rodents
In these hot spots, look for chew marks on walls, insulation and wiring, packages as well as pellet droppings that look like capsules. Grease or rub marks along walls are also another sign of live rodents. These marks are from their fur.

Secluded places such as roofs, wall voids and attics can also have rodent nests made of shredded material paper and cloth. Inspect for burrows outside your restaurant as well, specifically near areas where garbage is placed and along the side of your establishment’s foundation.

2. Block All Possible Entryways

Rats can fit through quarter-sized holes while mice can fit through holes with the size of a dime. For this reason, it’s important to seal off any potential points of entry. You can do this by…

  • Installing door sweeps
  • Sealing cracks
  • Removing gaps around utility lines
  • Getting rid of any low-hanging tree limbs that touch the building

Keep rodents out by also ensuring that products, before being brought inside your establishment, are checked for rodent warning signs. These include chew marks and suspicious holes. If there are any, refuse the delivery and inform your supplier as soon as possible.

3. Maintain Cleanliness

Keeping a clean establishment is one of the best ways to prevent pest infestations from happening. Here are a few steps you can take every day to ensure your building is pest-free:

• Repair leaky sinks and equipment immediately as moisture attracts rodents.
• Clean food debris and spills as soon as possible
• Make an established cleaning procedure for the start and finish of each shift.
• Never leave dirty dishes overnight.
• Cover trash receptacles always.
• De-clutter your office space and storage closets regularly—this is always forgotten.

4. Educate Your Employees

Much like running a great restaurant, pest management cannot be done by one person alone. For this reason, it’s important to teach your staff what to look for and who to tell before your issue becomes your customer’s. If everyone helps to keep rodents out of your restaurant, pest management should be a piece of cake.

Talk to a trustworthy pest manager —just like Bob Gunn Termite Solutions —today. We’re more than glad to discuss and address the concerns you have regarding rodents, cockroaches, flies, ants and other pests. Call us today on 07 3286 9877. Book online to get a discounted price for pest control service.

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