Spring Pest Control: 7 Ways to Keep Pests out of Your Property

Spring is all about enjoying the great outdoors! However, whether you choose to relish the season inside or outside your home, pests can still easily ruin your mood. Thankfully, all it takes are a few steps to keep pests out of your property. Learn what to do. Check the spring pest control tips below.

Bob Gunn’s Spring Pest Control Tips

1. Keep Them Out

Not letting them in is your first line of defence. Check all screens for holes and windows and doors for gaps. Inspect packages and furniture before bringing them into your home as well.

2. Throw out Stagnant Water

Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water. This is why it’s important to dispose of objects or cover containers that gather water outside. You can also increase water circulation by adding a waterfall or fountain.

3. Always Clean After Yourself

Ants, cockroaches and rodents love crumbs and food spills, so see to it that there aren’t any by regularly wiping down your counters as well as sweeping or vacuuming and mopping the floors. It’s also important that your bin has a tight lid and trash is taken out on the regular.

Having trouble with pests? Call our team of professionals today!

4. Pay Attention to Your Fruits and Vegetables

See to it that any fruits and vegetables outside the fridge are eaten before they turn overripe, otherwise insects – especially fruit flies – will start to invade them.

5. Check Outside Furnishing

Inspect your outdoor furniture for spider webs, egg sacks and insects that may have turned them into their home. If you see one, remove it or have it removed by a trustworthy pest manager.

6. Put Wood at a Distance

Unless you want termites to gain free access to your home, ensure any stack of wood is placed at least 20 feet away from your house and above the ground.

7. Get Professional Help

Protect your home better by ditching the D.I.Y.’s and, instead, seeking assistance from a reputable pest control company just like Bob Gunn Termite Solutions. We’ll design you a pest management strategy and offer a solution that best fits your specific situation. Book online and get discounted price.

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