The Top Mistakes People Make When Trying to Control Pests

There is a feeling of alarm Nothing is more alarming than seeing a cockroach or mouse scurry around your kitchen when you turn on the light at night. Now, you have a pest problem that needs to be treated.

However, think before you impulsively take out that can of spray at use it to get rid of the pests in your home. Will it be enough to eliminate the pests? What pest control mistakes should I avoid at all costs?

Not taking preventive measures

Having a messy home is a magnet for all types of pests. To avoid pests, clean and tidy up your spaces inside and out regularly. This includes getting rid of debris from dark, humid and warm places that remain undisturbed for long periods of time such as the basement and attic. It also includes clearing out rain gutters and keeping your shrubs and trees trimmed.

Other proactive pest control measures you can do is scheduling regular inspections and spraying throughout the year.

Proceeding straight to treatment without determining the cause

Using a pest spray helps, but you need to identify where they are entering your house. For example, pests may use drainage pipes or broken windows to as entry points. Fix those entrances for a more effective pest control.

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Using the incorrect DIY pest spray or trap

A pest control spray or trap is not a one-size-fit all solution, and despite it being a DIY product, there is a proper way to use it. Aiming insect spray at a trail of ants will only kill the ants that you see, but it won’t prevent the other ants in their colony from attacking your home.

The most effective ant bait is one that the scout ants will confuse with food and share with the rest in their colony. This will help take care of the root of the problem. For topical insecticides, purchase a spray that is specifically formulated for the pest that you’re deal with to ensure it is effective.

Not able to identify the right species of pest

To an average homeowner, a spider is a spider, or a rodent is a rodent. However, there are different species for spiders and rodents. It is important to identify the types of pests that have invaded your home to get the right treatment method. Pests become resistant when the same type of pesticide is used on them repeatedly.

Excessive use of pest sprays

More is not better (more effective) when it comes to pest sprays. The chemical content in sprays is highly concentrated and when used in large doses can pose health risks to you and your family.

The fumes from the spray can cause breathing issues, headaches, dizziness, nausea, etc. When using pest sprays, make sure to wear masks and gloves, have proper ventilation, and only spray the recommended amount.

Inaction or slow to act

A pest infestation will not go away on its own. You cannot rely on the weather or their life cycle to make pests go away. Even if pests enter your home during the summer months, it doesn’t follow that they would be gone when cooler months arrive. In fact, pests are likely to stay and make themselves warm and cosy with help from the food and warmth that are readily available in your home.

By not addressing the problem, the pest will multiply and can develop into a full-blown infestation in no time. This will make the treatment more difficult and more expensive.

Not hiring pest control experts

Going the DIY route to save on pest control costs will only make the problem worse in the long run. DIY pest control is just a band-aid solution that will only solve the surface of the problem.

A professional pest control service has the know-how and technology to locate, identify and manage various types of pest infestation. They will undertake the necessary inspection to keep pests away from your home.

Forgetting to follow up

A successful pest extermination doesn’t end there. Pests are a constant threat to homes and other structures. Make sure you don’t ignore pest control and maintenance treatment once your home is pest-free again.

Without these post-treatment measures, pests can quickly return. Treat pest control as an on-going process, rather than something that you must deal with just once. Make sure to check for pests regularly and perform preventive measures that will keep them away.

Avoid these pest control mistakes

You can’t afford to make mistakes when it comes to pest control. Any mistake will only worsen the damage to your property and make the treatment more expensive.

If you are facing a pest infestation, seek professional assistance from pest control experts to ensure you are getting an effective and cost-efficient treatment and maintenance plan.

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