How to Know You Have a Termite Problem?


Silent invaders like termites wreak havoc on your property without you even realising their existence. You might be familiar with wood powder around wooden structures and mini transparent wings in your house or property. There is a high possibility that these are caused because of termite infestation in your house. If left unchecked, these tiny pests can cause a lot of damage to wood furniture and compromise the integrity of your property.

Bob Gunn, one of the leading termite inspection companies, suggests it is best to identify termites before they start infesting your property. The situation could get as serious as an increased risk of accidents or injuries because of deteriorating structures. This blog will help you identify if an unusual occurrence should be ignored or if it is a sign of termite infestation. Call a termite inspection company to solidify your claim and start the termite control treatment and prevention early to avoid further damage

These are the Common Signs you Should Look out for

1. White Ants or Termites?

Are you seeing white ants lurking on walls or near your furniture? Termites, although commonly referred to as “white ants”, have a similar appearance to that of ants. But they are not ants. If you ever spot small, pale, and ant-size insects crawling around your property, especially near wood, then it is likely that your house is infested with termites.

2. Mud Tunnels

Have you ever encountered pencil-sized tubes or tunnels in your home or crawl spaces? These mud tunnels are intricately built by termites to shelter them and maintain moisture levels when going from tunnels to food sources. Next time, if you notice any mud tunnel protruding from cracks or crevices in your walls or floorboards, it is clearly an indication of termite activity. The infestation has gone one step further with termites building shelter for themselves and more of their friends.

3. Power at Your House Repeatedly Short Circuits

Other than furniture, termites are known to also gnaw through electrical wirings. If you have been experiencing frequent power outages or noticing repeatedly short-circuiting in your electrical system without any apparent reason. This could be happening because of termite damage. Leave those wiring as they are and call for termite inspection services. The professionals will assess how much damage has been already caused and ensure more safety going forward.

4. Noticeable Floor or Ceiling Damage

Termites feed on wood for cellulose, which means your home’s structural integrity is at stake. Look around your property, if you notice any signs of damage to the floors or ceilings such as uneven surfaces, bumps, or visible cracks, it might be time to call the experts. An experienced pest control professional will guide you through the investigation, and offer termite treatment services.

5. Swarms of Flying Insects

During warmer months, emerging of swarms of insects, like winged termites, is a visible sign of termite infestation. These flying termites are at the reproductive stage, their wings shed after a while which could be seen lying around in your house. Check for swarmers around your property, especially near light sources. If you spot some termites around then hurry to call pest control professionals for a thorough inspection and treatment.

6. Cracked Paint or Plaster on Walls

Termites cause damage to the internal structure of your walls, which leads to visible problems like cracks or bubbling of the paint or plaster. These are some subtle signs of damage that often get overlooked initially but should be considered as an early indicator of underlying termite activity. Notice any unusual changes in the appearance of your walls? It is time to investigate further for potential termite infestation.

7. Frass – Termite Droppings

Termite droppings are tiny and have a pellet-like appearance. Their droppings are known as “frass”. Often these droppings accumulate as the termites tunnel through wood in the termite galleries. If you ever find small piles of frass around your property, especially around wooden structures or furniture, that should be a clear indication of termite activity in your home. This situation needs immediate attention from professionals.

8. Tight-Fitting Doors & Windows

Termites feeding on wooden furniture or structures from the inside cause warping or swelling. These irregularities lead to stuck or tight-fitting doors or windows on your furniture. If you notice that lately the door and windows of your house are not working as smoothly as they should, it could be because of the underlying damage caused by termites. Call an expert to inspect your property.

9. Papery or Hollow-Sounding Timber

Does your house’s wooden surfaces, such as walls, floors, and furniture, sound hollow or light when tapped? You might be familiar that termites eat wood from the inside out, and in this process, they hollow out the wood, even though it looks structurally sound from the outside. Don’t ignore this occurrence, as it may indicate a serious structural issue caused by termite infestation.

Early detection is the first step to mitigate the damage caused by termites in your home. Familiarise yourself with the above-mentioned signs of termite activity, so you can safeguard your property before the situation gets any worse.

Who Do You Call?

If you suspect that you have a termite problem and need termite treatment in Brisbane, then don’t hesitate to contact Bob Gunn. Our licensed pest control professionals are qualified to provide termite inspection services. With a thorough inspection and an effective termite control treatment plan, we can help you protect your home from the destructive effects of termite infestation. Enjoy peace of mind knowing that your property is termite-free and pest-free with us.

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