All About Spot Termite Treatment and Control

As what have been said and proven by research and empirical account, termites are one of the most structurally harmful pests that can invade your home. Thankfully, there are many methods for eliminating termites. One of these is the spot treatment.

What Is Spot Termite Treatment?

A spot treatment is any treatment that is confined to a limited, defined area less than 10 linear or square feet that is aimed at protecting a particular ‘spot.’

What is involved in spot treatment?

Generally, the pest professional drills holes in the infected timber and introduce a termicide to eliminate the termite nest. However, spot treatment has its pros and cons.

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Pros and Cons of Spot Treatment for Termites


  1. Great for eliminating termites. Spot treatment is a popular termite control method and there is plenty of termicides that you can buy from the store.
  2. Effective in infestation that is confined in one area. Spot treatment is most effective when termites are in one specific area of the house, for example, in the bathroom or kitchen, where water leaks can attract termites.
  3. May allow you to avoid other more invasive pest control methods.

Some alternative pest control methods, like termite fumigation, may be very invasive. Termite fumigation involves blasting your whole house with toxic gas. It will require you to vacate your home for a few days. This may be bothersome for you, especially if the infestation is confined to a small area in your house.


  1. It can be useless in eliminating severely entrenched termites. Implementing spot treatment on timber is not simple. It involves drilling holes, injecting termicides, and hope that the solution infects the termite nest. This can be a problem for structures with deep and multiple tunnels. The termicides may not spread through the deep ends of the structure.
  2. They don’t seep into infected areas as well as other methods. Termite fumigation is invasive, but it is much more effective in penetrating the deepest parts of structures. And it doesn’t need precision in targeting a specific area, unlike spot treatment.
  3. They require visual proof to be effective. With spot treatment, you need to look for signs of termite infestation, such as mud tubes or termite droppings, to know where to aim the treatment and focus there.

Is Spot Treatment effective?

Spot treatment is the best termite control method for early stage drywood termite infestations because it costs less than termite fumigation, and much less invasive. You can do spot treatment yourself, but it best to leave the job to a professional pest control service.

They have the tools to identify where the termite infestation is and they will use the best and most effective termicide available. Termites will not be effectively eliminated if the treatment is applied outside the area where the infestation is.

However, to be effective make sure the termites are reached where they are with your drill. And make sure your termicide is formulated for spot treatment. If you use the wrong product, you need to do the treatment again.

Treatment options

There are three main types of termites that cause damage to Australian homes: subterranean, drywood and dampwood termites. Different termite treatments are appropriate for different termite species.

Subterranean termites

They live underground and enter the home from areas where timber meets the ground. They use mudtubes to travel from their colony to their food source,

The treatment options for subterranean termites are:

  • Monitoring and bait stations – Termite baiting systems, when installed correctly, are effective as a prevention and control method, in tandem with liquid soil treatment to control termite nests.
  • Termiticide – Termicides are formulated to control termite populations. They are available in liquid and foam formulations.

Drywood termites

These species don’t need a connection to the ground to survive. They need less moisture than subterranean termites and usually attack drying trees and shrubs, utility poles, fences and furniture.

The best treatment options for drywood termites are:

  • Gas fumigation – This is effective against drywood termites because it can reach termites that are located deep with a structure. Fumigants fill the entire structure and interrupt a termite’s metabolism once they breath it in.
  • Termicide – termicides are effective against present and future infestations. The chemical is applied on the surface of the infected timber or into the soil around the structure. It can also be directly injected into wood to target the termite infestations more accurately.

Dampwood termites

They are larger than subterranean termites and build their nests in moist or decaying woods and damp wood in contact with the ground like logs and stumps.

Moisture Removal. Aside from termicides, a treatment option for dampwood termites is moisture removal. Moisture is critical for termites to survive. Remove this and they won’t thrive. So, to prevent your home from being a magnet to termites make sure you repair leaking pipes immediately and install proper drainage around your house. Remove any wood that is in direct contact with the ground and use pre-treated wood to avoid wood decay and wood rot in your home.

The DIY method is highly discouraged when it comes to dealing with termites. Call termite control specialists to ensure termites are effectively eliminated from your property.

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