How to Get Rid of Pest Birds

Which birds are causing property damage and posing health and safety risks? How can you prevent pest birds from causing harm?

This article provides a guide to help you whether you are currently facing a bird pest problem or want to prevent it from happening in the future.

Types of Bird Pests in Queensland

Some birds that have been introduced by people, either intentionally or by accidents, pose threats to other bird species in Australia and cause nuisance to people. These include Common Mynas, or Indian Mynas, Rock Pigeons, Starlings, Blackbirds and House Sparrows.

  • Common Mynas
    myna standing on a wooden table

    Introduced from India to eat insect pests in crops, the Common Myna drive away competitors and feeding young. Their nests can be found in tree hallows. Because they are aggressive, the Common Mynas attack and kill native birds, deprive them of nesting hollows, kill nestlings and compete for food sources.

    Their numbers are increasing and expanding their range in many areas, especially in Southeast Queensland. Because of the threat they pose, some city and town councils are exploring ways on how to reduce their numbers.
    Noisy Miners
    noisy miner standing on the branch of a tree

  • Noisy Miners, or Mickey Birds, are related to Bell Miners, or Bellbirds. These native honeyeaters are sociable and flock together. Noisy Miners are territorial and aggressive and will not tolerate other birds. They chase off small bush birds, especially there is a lack of proper cover for them.

    Torresian Crows

  • a torresian crow on the grass
    The Torresian Crow, named after the Torres Strait, feed on seeds, plant materials, insects, small sea turtles, crabs, reptiles, small mammals, birds, eggs and carrion. Crows clean up dead animals and birds. However, they become a nuisance, searching for food in rubbish bins and dropping food scraps.
  • Rock Doves
    a rock dove standing on a branch of a tree

    Also called feral pigeons, should not be confused with doves and pigeons such as Crested Pigeons, Bar-shouldered Doves, Peaceful Doves and Brown Cuckoo-Doves. They are pests because they pose health risks, especially because they can occupy towns and cities in large numbers and leave huge amounts of faeces. They are drawn to cities because of the many people who feed them and the availability of food scraps.

  • Australian White Ibis
    an australian white ibis standing on the fence

    Their natural habitats include freshwater wetlands, swamps, tidal mudflats and similar environments. Australian White Ibis eat various bugs and insects, grasshoppers, small fish, small reptiles and ants.

    Because their natural habitats are slowly disappearing, they are turning to cities to look for alternative sources of food. Their long beaks, designed for digging food from soft soil, are also useful in taking out food from rubbish dumps and rubbish bins. They have become a nuisance in outdoor cafes and eating places, since they contaminate the area and spread scraps from tables and bins.

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Problems Caused by Pest Birds

There are two main reasons why certain species of birds become a problem: the damage they cause and the health and safety risk they present.

Property Damage

Bird faeces spoil building surfaces, windows, roofs, footpaths, etc. It can be difficult to clean them because bird droppings don’t dissolve easily in water. The uric acid in their droppings make them corrosive to vehicles, machinery and buildings. In addition, the build-up of faeces can obstruct gutters and pipes, and damage roofs.

Birds also nest anywhere, especially in areas close to human activity including in and around homes and buildings. The areas where pest control might be needed include loft installations, air conditioning units, solar panels, gutters, ledges, and more.

If you have a vegetable garden or fruit trees, you may encounter issues if they become invaded by pest birds. Instead of bugs and insects, these birds feed on soft fruits and vegetables, detaching seeds, ripping leaves and spoiling more than they can eat.

Health and Safety Risks

Bird droppings can spread different kinds of diseases such as gastroenteritis, encephalitis, and more. Livestock feed, soil and food supplies are also at risk of contamination. Additionally, the buildup of droppings can make footpaths and fire escapes dangerous for people.

Pest birds and their nests carry certain mites, ticks and insects such as bed bugs, red poultry mites, pigeon ticks and spider beetles. In addition, their debris and droppings are magnets for pests such as rats, cockroaches and flies.

How to Prevent Pest Birds in Queensland?

It is a good idea to take a proactive approach in bird-proofing your home or business, especially if your area constantly has a problem with pest birds.

Here are the different short-term and long-term bird control methods you can use to deal with the problematic birds.

Bird Control (Short Term)

  • Bird baiting using poisoned baits for getting rid of specific birds
  • Traps using grain to draw the attention of birds. These are installed in places where birds roost or feed to reduce their large numbers.
  • Shooting is a last resort for eliminating pest birds

Bird Exclusion (Permanent)

  • Sprung wire to discourage birds to land or perch on certain areas
  • Flexible floppy wire, also to discourage birds from landing
  • Spikes to make it uncomfortable for birds to stand or sit on wherever the spikes are installed
  • Electric shock systems don’t kill birds, just scare them away
  • Netting mesh to catch birds on roofs or building facades

If the pest bird problem is too extensive for you to handle alone, call a professional pest control service to provide you an effective and long-term treatment and solution plan for your bird control needs.

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