Removing Redback Spiders in Homes

To prevent redback spiders from living in the home and the garden, avoid stacking things against the outer walls of the house. Redback spiders live well in gardens and they love hiding behind items such as boxes and other unused articles you have moved outside the house.

You also need to be careful when working in the garden, especially if you have seen redback spiders outside the house. When cleaning up around the garden, be sure to wear gloves and boots to give you protection from spider bites.

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Image of redback spider infographic
Image of red back spider infographic

How To Keep Spiders Under Control

Spiders including redback spiders can be difficult to remove because mere spraying of pesticides cannot kill spiders. Their hiding places have to be identified.

1. Keep Your Home Clean

The most ideal way to get rid of spiders is not to let them into the house, and limit where they can hang out. Ensure clothes and things are picked up and kept off the floor. The more territories to hide, the more desirable the area.

Constantly clean and wipe away any webs that may be forming. They can form quickly. The more webs you wreck, the more probable the spiders will look somewhere else to build.

2. Keep Your Garage and Yard Clean As Well

Spiders, like redback spiders, enjoy dark and quiet areas so they will be building webs in places such as your garage, especially if it is filled with unused items around it. Keep areas like the garage free from clutter to avoid the proliferation of spiders

Try not to give them a place to conceal themselves, and they’ll conceal somewhere else. They often hide in dry, sheltered places such as garden sheds, mailboxes and under toilet seats.  This will definitely keep the redbacks under control.

Clear down any forming webs when you see them. The more webs you demolish, the more the spider will see that it is not the best spot to build one.

3. Maintain Your Home’s Cleanliness

Cleaning and keeping up your home is the most important and effective way to keep redbacks under control. Not only you’ll be sparing yourself from spiders, but you’ll also be sparing yourself from a load of other pests.

A very much kept up home and yard are absolutely your best barrier when keeping undesirable pests from entering your home.

4. Remove Insects

Everybody needs to eat, and spiders are no special case. Spiders feed on other insects, so if you want your home to be free from spiders, get rid of other insects as well. Keeping the house clean is the first step to having a pest-free environment. They go where the insects are because most spiders chase insects. So ensure you regularly use pest control measures and remove all traces of human food debris. By vacuuming and sanitizing your home as often as possible, you discourage web build up and insect infestation.


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5. Percussive Upkeep

Spiders are impervious to numerous pesticides, and their capacity to build webs high up and keep themselves from contacting the ground gives them further security. If it comes to this, the most ideal approach to keep spiders under control is the good old shoe or rolled-up newspaper. Otherwise, call Bob Gunn Termite Solutions right away. Call us today for enquiries or book online to get discounted prices.

6. Call Professional Pest Control Service

Thankfully, pest control specialists from Bob Gunn Termite Solutions can correctly identify where redback spiders are hiding because they know the insect’s life cycle and habits. Bob Gunn Termite Solutions is able to formulate an effective way of removing all instances of redback spiders in the home and garden.

Holes and crevices will be inspected for the presence of redback spiders. Spiders may also be living inside gutters, so those will have to be checked for signs of redbacks as well. A systematic method of pest removal is needed for removal of such pests as redback spiders. You can find out more about effective pest removal.

Redback spiders can be a challenge to eliminate because they have very good survival instincts. The best way to rid the house of redback spiders is by hiring a professional residential pest control service.

Need More Information on Redback Spiders and Their Eradication?

Learn more about redback spiders and how to get rid of them for good.

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