Important Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Pest Control Service

There are many pest control companies in your local area alone, which seems to make hiring one an intimidating task. However, choosing a pest control service shouldn’t be too hard. By asking the right questions, you can save money and avoid the headache caused by hiring the wrong company.

Here are the 10 most important questions to ask to any pest control company that you are considering hiring.

  1. How Long Have You Been in Business?

    The answer to this question allows you to gauge the professional experience of the company. A common rule of thumb is, the longer a company has been in business, the more experienced they are, and the more expertise they have acquired in conducting pest control.

    However, this should not prevent you from hiring a newer company. If your heart is set on a less experienced company, make sure to read up on customer feedback and testimonials.

  2. Are you bonded and insured?

    Make sure the pest control company you are hiring is insured and bonded because they will be important in case any accidental damage they had cause occurs at your home.

  3. Do you have guarantees on your service?

    Pest treatment may not work the first time. Thus, it is important to choose a company that guarantees their work. Make sure to read your contract carefully and fully understand all the terms, including the clause for the company’s guarantees.

  4. What pest treatment products do you use?

    Pest control companies must be transparent about what pesticides they plan to use in your treatment program, along with the possible dangers linked with these pesticides. If a pest control company refuses to disclose this information, consider it a mark against them.

  5. Do you give quotes in writing?

    Quotes are just estimates of the pest control service, and the actual service could end up costing more. There are unscrupulous companies that will provide a lower quote to successfully sign you up. This is why it is important to ask for a written quote to help you avoid paying more than you should.

  6. What treatment do you plan to implement?

    An experienced and professional pest control company should be able to their plan on how to treat your pest problem. They should be able to explain the pesticides that they will use and the areas of your home that will be treated. You also ask how they came up with their treatment plan. This will allow you to assess their expertise in their field.

  7. Are you using pesticides that are safe?

    Some pesticides are harmful. But there are also pesticides that are safe to use around humans and animals. If you have pets, it’s important to find out if the pest control company you are considering is using safe pesticides. An experienced company will know how develop a plan that will get rid of pests while keeping your beloved animals safe.

  8. Will we have to leave our house?

    Consider the possibility that you may leave your home while treatment ongoing. Ask the pest control company if you need to leave and how long you’re going to be out. Asking this question will allow you make housing arrangements, if necessary.

  9. Will the treatment keep the pests away forever?

    Of course, you expect the pest treatment to permanently deter pests in your home. Find out from the company what their plan of action is, so there would be no surprises.

  10. Do you have customer references?

    A pest company with a history of good service through the year will be more than happy to provide you with customer feedback and testimonials. If a company refuse to provide you with this information, consider hiring another company.

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How to choose the right pest control company?

Here are 6 things to look for when choosing the right pest control technicians.

  • Reputation
  • Licenses
  • Certifications
  • Specialty
  • Methods
  • Liability
  1. Reputation

    When looking for pest control company a great place to start is checking online reviews. Read some of the latest reviews to get an idea of past customers’ experiences with the company.

    You can also check with friends and neighbours which pest control companies they had used in the past, and whether they were satisfied with the job. You can also request the pest control company to provide references from their past clients.

  2. Licenses

    There is a specific agency that licenses pest professionals and logs complains. Licenses lend legitimacy for pest control companies and a part of their credentials.

  3. Certifications

    Another important thing that you need to find out about the pest professionals you are considering is whether there are members and are certified by professional associations. These organisations certify that pest control technicians meet the standards in their industry.

  4. Specialty

    Some pest control companies specialise in dealing with specific pests and specific methods. Some exterminators choose to focus on certain pests as a means to provide the best service in those areas, while others hone specialties over the years due to the geographical pervasiveness of certain pests in their location.

    Depending on which pest you’re dealing with, consider choosing the company that specialises in treating your pests.

  5. Methods

    Of course, it is also important to know how the company plans to do the job. A company should be able to provide a recommended treatment plan, as well as an alternative treatment plan. They should also be able to provide information on the pesticide they will be using and their health risk, if any.

    Finally, ask the company if they will provide a follow up treatment to make sure your problem is gone. Any first-class pest control company will be willing to answer these questions.

  6. Liability

    Liability involves insurance and bonding. Both of these things protect you. You should ask the pest control company you’re interviewing if they carry both. These will cover any expenses related to damage to your property that their employee may cause.

It is irresponsible to just hire anyone off the street to help you get rid of your home or business of pests. You need to set aside time to research and interview your prospects. This is to ensure you are hiring a trusted and experienced professional who will not waste your time and money.

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