10 Common Pests Found in Your Garden

Property owners not only have to contend with pests inside their homes. They also have to deal with pests outside, especially in their yards. These pests shouldn’t be ignored because they can cause significant damage, or worst, entirely ruin your garden.

Here are the 10 most common pests that can be found in your garden.

  1. Aphids

    Out of the more than 4000 species of aphids, about 250 are harmful to plants. They come on various colours, from white to yellow and brown, black and pink. Aphids are recognizable by their pear-shaped bodies with long antennas and a pair of cornicles, or abdominal tubes.

    There are two common aphid species in Australia: cotton aphid and cabbage aphid.

    They are so tiny and blends to easily with the garden foliage that they are hard to identify. However, it is easy to find signs of their presence. Leaves that are curled, yellow or brown, drooping or stunted, or have a sticky fluid called honeydew are indications of aphid infestation.

  2. Cabbage Moth

    Cabbage moths are a major problem in vegetable gardens. The main problem is not the cabbage moth, but rather the caterpillars that feed on leaves. They can ruin vegetables crops of they are ignored.

    Caterpillars can blend in, so look for holes in the leaves, black droppings on leaves and discolouration on vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower.

  3. European Earwig

    It is an omnivorous pest that will anything organic. They feed on other pests, which makes them useful. However, once they begin multiplying, European earwigs will feed on garden plants, fruit and flowers.

    One of the signs of European earwig infestation is the presence of jagged holes on leaves or damaged leaf tips. In fruit trees, the damage looks like when a bird chipped at them.

  4. Mealybugs

    These insects are roughly 4 mm long and protected by a white waxy coating. They infect fruit trees, ornamental plants, ferns and orchids. Mealybugs are usually found clustered together, but discovering them early can protect your plants from damage.

    Signs of mealybug infestation include yellowing and curled leaves, withered plants and gluey foliage due to the honeydew produced by mealybugs.

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  1. Scale insects

    These pests infect trees, ornamental plants, indoor plants and ferns. Their exterior is waxy, which could be black, brown or red in colour. Because they eat plant sap, it can prevent plant growth, create defoliation and can even kill a plant.

    Look for bumps on plants that look like shells. Fruits trees that are infested with scale insects will have distorted fruit or the twigs or branches are dying.

  2. Snails and slugs

    Snails and slugs are bigger than most garden pests, so they are easy to spot. However, you still need to look carefully in order to not miss them. Snails are often found in the shade and moist environments. If the leaves have holes, shiny silver trails, snails are likely the culprit. If the infestation is extensive, the garden may be completed ruined.

  3. Spider mites

    The most common type of spider mite is the red spider mite, or two-spotted spider mite. They multiply quickly in warm climate and can destroy a garden. Here are signs of spider mite infestation: yellow spots on top of leaves, stripping near the leaf veins and silken weaving. Defoliation is indicative of severe infestation.

    Mites multiply quickly in warm climate and can ruin your garden in a brief span of time.

  4. Whiteflies

    These small, flying insects are under the same category as aphids and mealybugs. They are similar in appearance to small moths and usually take cover on the underside of leaves. There are two common whiteflies in Australia: silverleaf whitefly and the greenhouse whitefly.

    Whiteflies drink the juice of plants, causing the plants to become stunted and wilted.

  5. African black beetle

    The African black beetle is an introduced species in Australia and are mostly common in Western Australia and the wetter coastal south-eastern regions up to South East Queensland.

    They can infect various plants, including ryegrass, maize, turf, grapevines, olives, ornamental plants and vegetable crops, especially potatoes. African black beetles attack the roots and the underground stems of young plants.

    Look for these signs of African black beetle infestation: vine foliage turning red or yellow; withered potato stems and damaged potato tubers; and dead patches on the lawn.

  6. Australian plague locust

    Australian plague locusts attack crops and pastures throughout Australia. The adults are grey to brown, and sometimes green, in colour. They have black-tipped rear wings and red shanks on their hind legs.

    They occur from spring to autumn. Once they gain access to a home garden, their numbers can increase significantly because of the abundance of irrigated plants.

These garden pests are harmful. Luckily, they can easily be managed using simple, organic solutions. Early discovery is important and these entails looking after your garden properly. It’s also important to be proactive about pest control, especially to other common house pests that could damage your home. Professional pest control services can help you address any potential issues.

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