Why Flying Ants Day Happens?

Flying Ants Day

What are these winged bugs? Is there a “Flying Ants Day” in Australia? Why does it happen and how can you deal with it? This natural event that some people find interesting, while others may find annoying, mostly takes place in spring or early summer. Understanding Flying Ants Day allows property owners and business operators to get ready for such swarms so that  Pest Management is effective and there are few interruptions. In this article, we will discuss flying ants – what they are, whether they are a cause for alarm, and how to prevent infestations.

Seeing a swarm of flying ants outside – hundreds of thousands – is the stuff of nightmares. But rest your fears as some of these insects may be flying ants, especially if you see them during summer.

To Australians, flying ants are an annual occurrence. But for those who only see ants crawling on the ground, it might be a little shocking to see ants with wings flying around.

These insects can even be more intimidating when they swarm during their mating period, assembling at particular areas in a behaviour called “hill-topping.”

Here are the important things you need to know about flying ants to help you deal with them when summer comes around.

What Are Flying Ants?

Flying ants are not some mutated version of normal ants. There is a scientific explanation for their existence. Flying ants, or alates, are ants that are ready to reproduce.

They are the “reproductives” of the colony, birthed by the “Queen” and nourished by the “Workers.” They stay inside the colony while still in their immature stage and leave it when they sexually mature.

“Mating” is the one role that mature male and female flying ants have to perform when they fly out of their colonies. This flight is referred to as “nuptial flight” or “dispersal.” They assemble in a swarm to keep predators away, which is why flying ants are also commonly referred to as “swarmers.”

However, you need to take a closer look since those winged insects that look like flying ants could be flying termites, and vice versa. It is common to mistake one for the other, especially from afar.

Why Do Flying Ants Suddenly Appear?

Flying ants come suddenly because of a thing known as “nuptial flight”, and this usually happens when it has been warm and raining. At this time, male and female ants will grow wings and then fly away from their old nests–and look for mates and build new colonies or nests. The swarming behaviour is common among all species, that’s why we see an increased number of flying ants nearing late spring or early summer. Their presence can potentially cause infestation, so as a homeowner, one needs to understand this natural process. Sealing entry points and maintaining cleanliness can reduce the risk of flying ants entering your home. But, if they still manage to infest a property, then professional Pest Control Services might be really helpful.

Flying Ants vs Flying Termites

How are flying ants different from flying termites? Are those flying insects in your property ants or termites? Here are some basic characteristics that will help you tell the difference between the two.

Image of termites and ants difference infographic
Image of termites and ants difference infographic

Flying Ants

  • Bent antennae
  • Their abdomens are narrow
  • Unequal length wings, with the fore wings much bigger than the hind wings
  • Wings are as long as, or slightly longer, than the body and have dark veins
  • They don’t readily shed their wings

Flying Termites

  • Straight antennae
  • Straight abdomen
  • Wings are of equal length and much longer than their bodies
  • Wings appear with indistinct patterns
  • They shed their wings readily

Not sure what you’re dealing with? Identify swarms with a pest inspection.

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When Is Flying Ants Day?

Flying ant day occurs when there is a period of warm weather, a summer downpour, and when it stops, winged creatures suddenly emerge from the ground.

However, a recent study shows that the swarm of flying ants doesn’t happen in one day. Winged ants emerge over several weeks, though there are typically several large peaks. This had already occurred in 2016, with several synchronised events in early August.

Swarming can be triggered by temperature and usually happens following a summer rain. We see multiple swarms at the same time each year because specific conditions must be present for the winged ants to know that it is time to fly out of their home.

These conditions include bright sunlight, weak winds, high humidity, and warm temperatures, after three to five days of rain, if possible. These conditions usually exist in late spring or early summer. This is the period when ants with wings are seen.

Are Flying Ants Dangerous?

Though seeing a swarm of flying pests can be intimidating, remember that they only have one thing in mind – mating. Flying ants don’t pose any greater danger than the average crawling ants.

It’s not likely for flying ants to bite or sting you while they are in the air. Just don’t run straight into a mating swarm and you should be fine. However, take care when they are crawling, just as you would an ordinary ant.

A swarm is massive to ensure breeding between male and female flying ants is successful, and accordingly the establishment of a new colony. A huge number of ants in a swarm will die within a day because of birds that prey on them for food.

Flying Ants Infestation

Shortly after mating, the males die after fulfilling their function. The fertilised female flies around looking for a suitable site to build a new colony. Each species of flying ants chooses a different nest – some pick decaying wood and others choose the cracks on the sidewalk.

This means that flying ants may invade your personal space while searching for a new nest location. If you see a swarm of winged ants inside your home, this probably means there is a colony in your wall voids, or somewhere around your property.

How to Get Rid of Flying Ants

After determining that you are indeed dealing with flying ants, there are some effective ways to get rid of flying ants by yourself.

  • Use a suitable commercial pest spray on the swarm of flying ants that you see, or you can make your mixture of one part liquid soap and two parts water and add in a few drops of peppermint oil for enhancement.
  • Suck up the flying ants using a handheld or full-sized vacuum cleaner. Don’t forget to replace the bag right away.
  • There are various baits and traps you can use, including sticky tape traps, insecticidal dust, baits, and surface sprays for eliminating flying ants. Baits are the most effective because when consumed by ants, they can infect and kill the entire colony. Whatever method you use, always follow the instructions.

If you’re unable to get rid of flying pets with DIY solutions, contact professional pest specialists to do the job.

How to Prevent the Return of Flying Ants

If you find a swarm, it is not enough to get rid of them. You have to make sure these pests don’t continue to invade your home.

  • Try to find the colony by following the ants back to where they came from. If you find the colony, destroy it. The easiest and simplest way is to pour boiling water over it.
  • Even if you find the colony, you still have to seal any cracks in the baseboards, windows and walls. This will ensure flying ants will not find a way inside your home. This is a particularly important step if you haven’t found the colony, the source of the potential infestation.
  • For added prevention, use a spray mixture consisting of one tablespoon of boric acid powder and a cup of water, or a different solution with equal parts water and vinegar. Use this solution to spray the area where the swarm is. The spray will eliminate the scent trails that the ants have left behind, making it more difficult for the other ants to find their way into your home.

When to Call the Professionals

Flying ants can enter your home or place of business through visible cracks and crevices. Seal them to prevent these pests from invading your space. Also, always keep your doors and windows closed, or install a fly screen so you can open them and let the air in during the hot months.

If you suspect an ant infestation, seek the services of a professional residential or commercial pest control company. Contact Bob Gunn Termite Solutions to help you identify and control your ant problem.

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