These are the Places Where Pests are Hiding in your Home 

Keep track of the hidden spots where pests often hide.

Pests will not be totally eliminated. They will always be around waiting for you to let down your guard. Maintaining cleanliness is one way to keep pests away. Another is keeping track of the hidden spots where pests often hide.

Be mindful of these isolated, out-of-the-way spots so that pests will not have a chance to take up residence.

Pests in your Ceiling

The ceiling is the favourite haven for spiders and cockroaches. As one of the hard-to-reach places in a house, it is not often cleaned. Because of these pests are confident that their nests would not be destroyed.

Cleaning your ceiling regularly will ensure that spiders will not visit it and establish a home. And if you discover tiny gaps or holes, seal them up immediately to close any entrance for spiders and roaches.

Pests in Wall Cracks

Wall cracks are an aesthetic blight in your home, but more concerning, they can be used by pests as a door into your home. Ants and termites are small enough to enter cracks and establish a home or pathways there.

Because they are so tiny, pests can squeeze through even the tiniest of cracks. The most effective way to discourage pests is to close these cracks with plaster. But first, check if any pests are already there before doing the repair.

Pests in Sealed Boxes

Tightly sealed boxes are safe from pests, or are they? Silverfish, those tiny, silver-coloured, fast-moving wingless insects, are determined fighters that feed on textile, paper and even leather when there are no other food options.

Silverfish are small and slim enough to squeeze through think cracks and gain access into tightly sealed containers.

Pests in the Attic

The usual suspects in the attic are wasps, silverfish, rodents and more. These pests are capable of squeezing through tiny holes and gaps in the attics and walls.

You would know if you are harbouring pests in your attic when:

  • you hear scratching noises, especially at night
  • you see evidence of their droppings
  • you discover nesting materials such as paper and twigs
  • you find damage to the insulation
  • you spot missing shingles and screens

The best way to keep unwanted pests away is to be vigilant about possible entry points and seal them off immediately.

Pests Inside your Furniture

Fabric furniture, such as lounges, sofas and mattresses, are notorious havens for bedbugs and fleas. Unfortunately, these pests are so tiny to the point of being almost microscopic that it is difficult to spot them.

You will only start to suspect that there may be something in your furniture if you or any family member suffer unexplained bites after using them. Keep your furniture clean by having them steamed cleaned regularly.

If you have wood furniture, it is at risk from termites, if they manage to get into your home.

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Pests Within Clutter

Clutter attracts all sorts of pests because they can easily hide in them. The more clutter, the more places for pests to hide and build their own nest.

The only way to deter spiders, rats, mice, etc. is to get rid of your clutter. Add more storage, organize your personal belongings, and throw, sell or donate items that are just gathering dust in your home.

An added bonus to having a clutter-free home is getting a sense of peace and well-being from living in a clean and tidy environment.

Pests Around Baseboards and Mouldings

Mouldings and baseboards are all over your home and will suffer the usual wear and tear as time goes on. You also need to watch out for termites and rats and mice as these pests are capable of chewing through these wooden parts of your house.

Damaged baseboards and moulding attract pests because they make the perfect location for their nest. The best way to prevent a pest infestation is to check your baseboards and mouldings from time to time for any visible damage.

If there is a damage, have it repaired or replaced immediately and inspect for any pests that may be nesting in them. If pests are discovered, consult a qualified pest control service before undertaking the repair or replacement.

Pests in the Basement

The pests that hide in the basement include spiders, silverfish, termites and more. Basements, especially if they have been practically abandoned with only clutter and unwanted items in there, offer the most ideal hiding place for pests.

Pests can go about their usual business without fear of being disturbed because humans would rarely visit there. They can easily hide and build their nest among the many boxes, containers and various clutter. Basements are moist, dank dark places that offer an excellently opportunity for pests to thrive.

There are many ways to make your basement unattractive to pests. Don’t allow clutter to accumulate in there by putting items in their right places and organizing them. Visit it regularly so it won’t give off the sense of looking abandoned.

You can also set up sticky taps to catch any insect that is already in there. Install a dehumidifier to keep it as dry as possible.

Call a Licensed Pest Control Service

Household bugs are smart when it comes to finding hidden spots where they can establish a sanctuary. This makes finding them tricky. If you are concerned that pests may be lurking around your home, consult a professional pest controller.

They investigate concealed spaces using advanced tools and experience and apply preventive measures or eliminating the existing infestation.

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