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Pest Control Specialists in Beerburrum

Office Hours:

Monday to Friday: 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Technician Hours:

Monday to Saturday: 7:00 AM – 3:30 PM

P: (07) 3286 9877
E: admin@bobgunn.com.au


Pest Control in Beerburrum

Beerburrum is a small town and coastal suburb in the Sunshine Coast Region, located 60 km north of Brisbane. It had 763 residents as of 2016.

Though the suburb mostly lies on the mainland, there are several undeveloped islands in the Pumicestone Passage between the mainland and Bribie Island. There are two named islands: Long Island and Thooroola Island.

Beerburrum’s eastern side is low-lying land with a number of creeks that drain into the Pumicestone Passage. The west is a higher hillier land and is home to two mountains: Mount Beerburrum and Mount Tibberoowuccum, both of which are protected within the Glass House Mountains National Park.

Mt Beerburrum features a complex rainforest, endangered plant species and scribbly gum trees. Mount Tibberoowuccum is surrounded by eucalyptus rainforest, complex rainforest and a small population of Narrow-leaf bitter-pea, which are found on the southern slope of the mountain.

This peaceful and quiet town doesn’t have plenty of options for nightlife, shopping and eating. However, the clean and green environment, low cost of living, lack of traffic, abundance of parks and recreation more than make up for the scarcity of amenities and conveniences.

Potential Risks for Pest Infestation

Located on the Sunshine Coast, Beerburrum is under constant threat of termites, rats, mice, and other pests.

Termite Control in Beerburrum

Termites are one of the most common pests on the Sunshine Coast. Despite their size, they can cause serious damage to property. Termites can enter a structure and feed their way into walls, pieces of furniture and even structural foundations.

Aside from wood, termites will consume anything with cellulose in it, including paper, documents, wires and more. There are various types of termites in Queensland and only pest control technicians are trained to correctly identify them and apply the correct treatment.

Ant Control

There are about 1,400 species of ants in Australia. These social insects living in large colonies, and in the natural environment, they plan an essential role as predators and scavengers and help in the recycling of nutrients in the soil.

Queensland has been awarded the territory with the most native species of ants. The ant species that are prevalent in South East Queensland are: Black House Ant, Coastal Brown Ant, Bull Ant, Carpenter Ant and Funnel Ant.

Once they gain access into a structure, ants are considered as pests. They create unsightly small mounds that came from their excavations. The forage for food in trash bins and other dirty places, so they can contaminate food that they come in contact with.

If ants have invaded your home and it’s driving you crazy, call a professional pest control company.

Wasp Control in Beerburrum

Wasps have an essential role in nature, mainly as a natural pest control for insects that feed on crops. However, these insects can be aggressive and in truth, are more dangerous than bees because they can sting multiple times. They bite both humans and animals.

Wasps are protective of their nest, so they will attack if it threatened. For this reason, hire a qualified pest control specialist to make sure the wasp nest in your premises is safely removed.


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Cockroach Control

Cockroaches can evoke a range of emotions from subtle frustration to outright disgust, but the desire to get rid of them from our home is universal.

These pests are common, particularly in South East Queensland where the weather is warm and humid, which they love. Even in the cleanest houses, a cockroach infestation can happen. This is because their flat bodies allow them to gain access into a structure in a lot of ways.

They can enter through cracks or crevices, or hitch a ride in boxes, shopping bags, furniture, etc. Your home is also vulnerable if your neighbour is harbouring cockroaches. One single female is able to start a full-blown infestation in no time.

A cockroach infestation must be addressed immediately because cockroaches carry pathogens that cause diseases, which they can pass to humans. Call your local pest control company at the first sign of a cockroach problem.

Rodent Control in Beerburrum

Rodents like rats and mice are very common, primarily because they can move, multiply and survive than most pests. They can sneak into structures through cracks and gaps and even through the plumbing system, thanks to their flexible bodies and ability to swim.

There are three main types of rodents in South East Queensland that can cause serious problems for the population. These are the Norway Rat, Roof Rat and the House Mouse. Like cockroaches, rats and mice carry bacteria-causing diseases that can be transmitted to humans via exposure to their urine, droppings, bite, and more.

Spider Control

Spiders are generally harmless and will go out of their way to avoid humans. However, they have such a bad rep because of their appearance and because many people have a genuine fear of them.

The warm weather, particularly the warm humid conditions, in South East Queensland allows pests in general to thrive, and certainly spiders are in abundance. Some are venomous while others are harmless.

Because different species different behaviours and prefer different habitats. A spider infestation can only be treated successfully with the help of experience pest control technicians.

If you are building a new home, renovating or buying a home in Beerburrum, you will need to consider what termite prevention solutions are available. Our company offers all types of solutions including physical and chemical barriers as well as reticulation systems. You can reach us on


Beerburrum Termite Hazard Level

High – Very High Risk

Termite Hazard Level Gauge image

According to the Interim Termite Hazard Map by CSIRO, the Sunshine Coast area, where Beerburrum is located, is in the high-risk category for termite infestation.

Because Beerburrum is close to the sea, the area is a good target by drywood termites, which need high moisture content in the timber they attack.

Termite Images Suburb

Termite Image from CSIRO

Throughout Queensland, the most commonly found termites are Subterranean termites and Drywood termites.

The West Indian drywood termite, is the world’s most destructive drywood termite. It is the culprit to massive economic damage to timber houses in Queensland, including properties in Beerburrum.

  • A coastal environment like Wynnum is prone to termite and vermin attacks.

  • The number one thing that attracts termites is water or moisture. It is almost a guarantee that if a home has water leakage problems, it will soon be invaded by termites, if it hasn’t been already.

  • Damage to homes, whether made from weatherboard, is likely if termites, or white ants, are left unchecked. 


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Bob Gunn not only specialises in termite control, but also designs effective solutions based on your needs and budget! Click here to learn more about our termite control and management services in Balmoral Ridge.

Have another pest problem? Don’t worry, we treat a large range of pests. Visit our ‘Pests Treated‘ page now to find out more, or simply call our friendly experts today on 07 3286 9877 to book an appointment.

Residents of Balmoral Ridge, request a free quote from Bob Gunn Termite Solutions, the pest control experts today!

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