Sounds That Termites Make That Gives a Clue of Their Presence

Termites live below ground because of their dislike of light. They build these elaborate mud tubes to allow them to travel from their colony to their food under the cover of darkness.

This behaviour is the reason that termite infestations are often discovered too late – when the devastation wrought by termites has become so extensive to be noticeable.

Because it’s difficult to see in the dark, termites communicate using vibrations, physical contact and chemical signals. The first two forms of communications create sounds that can be heard by human ears – but only if you are alert on the constant threat of termite attack.

In this article, we discuss the various sounds that termite produce that alert us of their presence in our home.

How Sounds Help Detect the Presence of Termites

Termites may not be seen but they can be heard. They produce sounds as they move around to work and feed. The sounds that you might hear are:

  1. A dry rattle. When termites sense a threat, they sound a warning by banging their heads against the walls of their mud tubes. This generates a dry, rattling sound. Termites don’t hear the sounds, but feels the vibration coming from the sound.
  2. A paper rustling. This sound can be heard by drywood termites when they tunnel close to the surface of the wood.
  3. A hollow sound when wood is tapped. This sound indicates that the wood has been away by termites and there is nothing inside. This hollow sound is the most reliable sign of termite damage.

Termite Inspection Methods That Can Confirm the Presence of Termites

Before calling for professional services, you can check for tell-tale signs indicating the presence of termites in your home. These are simple methods of termite detection that utilise both sight and sound.

Periodic Inspection

Periodically inspect the area directly beneath the exterior of your home. If you find a fine powder similar to sawdust at different spots along the exterior walls, it is probably termites. There may be other pests who could be causing this incident, so it is a good idea to call a pest removal expert for confirmation.

Listen to the Sounds

As termite start to chew away at wooden structures, the weakened structure will cause floors to creak more often. Termite-infested walls will have a hollow sound when tapped. Don’t instantly associate these changes in sound to the settling of your house over the years. Waiting to call a termite exterminator will only worsen the damage and make a bigger dent in your pocketbook when have it repaired.

More Inspections

It is also a smart move to inspect the floorboards and woodwork of your home on a regular basis. In addition to tapping wood to check for hollow sounds, look for pinholes in the surface of wooden architectural features in your home, including chair rails or moulding along the ceilings.

Ideally, conduct these inspections in the spring and fall of every year, especially in Queensland where the sub-tropical whether is conducive for termites.

Queensland is also high-risk area for termite activity so property owners should be proactive when it comes to termite infestation.

If you are not confident in conducting these inspections by yourself, a termite inspector can do the job for you. They use modern equipment to conduct termite detection, determine the extent of damage, and outline an effective and cost-efficient plan for exterminating termites.

Need pest treatment services? Call our team of professionals today!

What Pest Control Specialists Look for During Termite Inspection

Using their experience and tools, here are the things that professionals look for during termite inspections.

Signs of swarming. Swarms inside the home is a strong indication of the presence of subterranean termites. They can usually be found near the windows, doors because flying reproductive are drawn to light.

Mud tubes. These tunnels are often located near house foundations, crawl spaces or attics, near pipes or chimneys, or other entry points.

Damage on wood beams. Exposed beams will have deep grooves on their softer innermost part since termites feed on wood from the inside out.

High moisture content on the walls. With a moisture meter, termite inspectors check the moisture level of walls or wood trim around doors or windows because a higher-level-than usual is a sign of termite activity.

Presence of termites. If you see active termites around your home, it is pretty much a foregone conclusion that you are dealing with a termite problem. The only thing left to confirm is how significant the damage is.

Getting Help from Experienced Pest Control Experts

If you suspect that your home has been invaded by termites, it is critical to seek professional assistance as soon as possible.

The sounds that termite make are faint and will not be heard if you are not particularly trying to catch their sound. You can use a stethoscope to hear termites as they move and chew on wood. Alternatively, you can hire termite removal specialists who have the expertise and technology to detect termite sounds.

If left untreated, termites will cause more damage to your home. Aside from prompt treatment, preventive measures are also essential. Contact your local pest control company regarding termite barriers and regular termite inspections.

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