Most Common Termite Hot Spots

Termites can cause major damage to wooden structures, such as walls, floors, and furniture. Common areas where termites attack include wood foundations, door frames, window frames, and other wood structures. In this article, we are discussing the common termite hotspots.

Early detection is critical in preventing termites from causing too much damage. However, termites can remain undetected for a long period of time as they prefer to live and work underground.

You have to know where to look for them, so you don’t need to see them with your own eyes to know they are there.

Here are the termite infestation hotspots in your house that you need to watch out for.


Basements can be a hive for termite activity partly because of some termite species’ subterranean existence. These are easy-to-reach places for termites and there are plenty of wood there to keep them fed for a long time.

Messy basement with a lot of clutter

Under your foundation

Termites burrow under your home’s foundation in search of food. It takes a while for termites to make a noticeable dent in the foundation, so it’s normal not to notice that there are termites in your home. Even if you see just a few of these pests, it could mean a termite infestation is beginning.

Concrete foundation of a home with cracks

Along the perimeter of your home

Unlike ants, termites need some type of conveyance to travel. The way for termites is through mud tunnels/tubes. Mud tubes allow them to quickly reach the other areas of your home and provide them easy access to water.

Side wall of a house made of timber


Termites can get inside your walls, unseen. If you hear shuffling sounds inside your walls, this means there are termites in there. If you want to further investigate, knock on the wood and see if it produces a hollow sound. This sound indicates that termites have made significant damage to the inside of your home.

Deconstructed wall showing the inside foundation of a house

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Bathrooms and showers

These areas are magnets for termites because they are drawn to moisture, which can be caused by plumbing leaks or lack of shower waterproofing. It is essential to check these areas for moisture at least every 12 months and to make sure the silicone and grout remain intact.

If you have an older house, make sure it has termite barriers or that the termite barriers are not expired/damaged through regular inspections.

Termites are likely to attack the wall behind the shower. The most vulnerable of a shower is the shower rose, which is constantly taken out and put back in. Over time and continuous usage, the connection behind the wall will crack and leak. This leak can go unnoticed for a long time and will act as beacon for termites looking for moisture.

Aside from the shower rose, moisture can also be the result of the breaking down of the silicone and grout or the waterproof membrane. This can easily be fixed by re-grouting and re-sealing.

Toilet bowl and bathtub inside a bathroom


This is a great place for termites because this is the part of the house that is simply not checked regularly. It is a place that is often neglected because all sorts of creepy crawlies call it home.

The subfloor should be inspected regularly for plumbing leaks, drainage problems and proper ventilation. The lack of ventilation and drainage issues will make the subfloor moist and being a hard-to-reach place makes it an ideal for termites to build their nest.

Homeowners usually store various items in their subfloor, including building materials, unused timber, old furniture, etc. This is not a good idea as these items are food sources for termites.

If you intend to use your subfloor as a storage area, make sure the materials are elevated off the ground. Make sure you check your subfloor every month for signs of termite. Or, schedule an annual termite inspection for your home.

Wood floor with stains and marks

Roof voids

Roof voids offer warmth, moisture and high humidity, which makes it a great place for termites. If termites are in large enough numbers, they can generate sufficient heat that can be detected by a thermal camera.

This is why regular termite inspections are important because pest control technicians have the tools to detect termite activity, even if they are in hiding.

Daged roof void and falling ceiling


If you use firewood as a heating source, note that termites are going to seek it out. Termites possess an instinct about wood/timber – they know when it is close by and it doesn’t them long to figure out where it is located.

Make sure the firewood is not stored directly against your home and there is enough space between your house and wood. If the firewood is near or touching your house, it would make it easier for termites to access a bigger area of your house.

Stack of fire wood in a storage room

These are just a few areas where termite activity is usually detected. One thing that they have in common is the presence of moisture. Containing the moisture in these areas is an effective way to discourage termites from invading and infesting your home.

To prevent termite damage, it’s important to inspect your home regularly for signs of infestation. If you find any wood that’s been damaged by termites, it’s best to call professional residential pest control service to get rid of them.

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