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Pest Control Specialists in Manly West

Office Hours:

Monday to Friday: 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Technician Hours:

Monday to Saturday: 7:00 AM – 3:30 PM

P: (07) 3286 9877
E: admin@bobgunn.com.au


Pest Control in Manly West

Manly West is a Brisbane residential suburb, located 16 km east of the CBD.

As of the 2016 Census, Manly West had a population of 11,978 people.

Located one suburb inland from the bay, Manly West features mostly modern, low-set brick homes.

It was originally part of Manly, but was declared an independent suburb in 1975.

Its location stretching high above Manly Harbour and reaching inland allows the suburb to catch the Bay breezes, a heaven-sent respite during the summer months.

Manly West is the perfect suburb for family with its green spaces, bike pathways and parks for families and children.

Potential Risks for Pest Infestation

There are various pests to watch out for by residents of Manly West. Because of the climate, the age of the suburb, dwelling type, some properties are more vulnerable to pest infestation than others. Here are some of the pests that can infest a Manly West property.

Rodent Control

Rodents are mammals that carry and transmit pathogens that cause various diseases to humans. Their habits are unhygienic, as we associate these pests with sewers, rubbish, etc.

They hide their activities from humans, so they travel under cover. Rats and mice can be seen slinking through and across pipes, sewers, crevices, cracks, burrows, roof and wall voids, cupboards, sub floors, attics, barns, long grass, rivers, rubbish, and more.

As scavengers, rodents will eat almost anything they can find. But they have favourites, such as dry foods like flour, grains, cake mixes, breads, etc. Another food source are compost heaps, even fruits and vegetables.

Aside from traveling through sewers, rodents can swim underwater and climb walls. They have also been known to escape and exit the sewer through the toilet bowl.

Cockroach Control

Cockroaches carry microorganisms that cause diseases. They feed on food and faeces of animals. Bacteria can survive in cockroaches’ digestive system for months and even years, which increases the possibility of transmission to humans. They defecate and vomit on food, which is the way diseases are passed on to humans when we eat the contaminated food.

The smallest of the cockroach species are the Brown Banded Cockroaches and the German Cockroaches. The Brown Banded cockroach prefers drier conditions, while the German Cockroach loves moisture, so they infest kitchens, bathrooms and other wet areas of the house.

The German Cockroach can cause the most serious infestation. Once they establish a huge population, it will be difficult to eliminate them.

One egg casing can contain around 30-40 eggs. The females breed three to four times a year. So, it isn’t hard to imagine a cockroach population getting out of hand.

The common places where you can find hatchlings are in the pages of books, cloths, linens, cutlery, pantry items, etc.


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Ant Treatment

Ants are common in both homes and commercial properties in Brisbane and other suburbs because of the warm humid climate.

The common ant species found in properties are small Black Ants and Brown Ants that you will see crawling across walls and around the kitchens and bathrooms. Some will nest underground, while others will nest in trees and the walls of houses.

Brisbane and the surrounding rural areas harbour large populations of ants. They live in colonies like termites. A colony has a Queen, which is the hive of activity, as she is the only one to lay eggs in order to populate the colony.

If you see an increase in ant population, consider this a major sign that you might be dealing with a serious problem. You might find ants in your kitchen, dining room and bin areas.

There are many ways to get rid of ants in your property. However, insect sprays will just work for a while. The best way to deal with ants is to hire pest extermination experts.

Silverfish Control

Silverfish are annoying and a nuisance, especially when they begin destroying you precious personal belongings. They feed mainly on items with starches, so they will be attracted to glue, book bindings, paper, sugar, and textiles and clothes.

An infestation should be addressed immediately because silverfish reproduce fast, and they are harder to eliminate than what most people think. Silverfish are very destructive and cause costly damage to your wardrobe as they are known to feed on cotton, linen, silk, leather and rayon.

Spider Control

Here are some of the most common spiders you will find in Australia: Hunstman Spider, Funnel Web Spider, Redback Spider, White-Tailed Spider, Black House Spider, Common House Spider, Daddy Long Legs Spider, and Garden Orb-Weaving Spider.

Some of the most venomous spiders in the world are found in Australia. In a country that love the outdoors, spiders are a great concern, especially for small children and pets.

If you see one or two spiders in your home, it might not mean that you’re dealing with an infestation. However, you have to be concerned when you a lot of spider webs popping up. You may not see the spiders as they like to hide in dark cracks and crevices.

Some species like the Funnel Web Spider can kill with their venom, but an effective anti-venom is already available, so death by spider bite is a rare occurrence now. We also have some of the biggest spiders in the world, like the Giant Huntsman. Believe it or not, these spiders may be gigantic and scary looking but they are harmless, in general, unless provoked.

Termite Control

Are you nearing clicking sounds within your house walls? Are you seeing insect wings in your door or window sill? Are you hearing a hollow sound when you tap on a timber structure in your home? These and more may be signs of a termite infestation.

There are about 360 species of termites in Australia. Some of them are: subterranean termites, West Indian drywood termites and giant northern termites. Termites are often confused with ants.

However, since termites prefer to stay hidden, you are more likely to see signs of their presence rather than see actual, live insects.

Termites can devalue a property by 25%. This is why an annual termite inspection should be done to maintain a property at its best condition. Doing repairs for a home ravaged by termites can take a, not only financial, but also emotional toll to homeowners.

Because of the destruction they are capable of and the way they can do it in secret, termites are hard to track down and this is a reason why regular inspections are crucial.

If you are building a new home, renovating or buying a home in Manly West, you will need to consider what termite prevention solutions are available. Our company offers all types of solutions including physical and chemical barriers as well as reticulation systems. You can reach us on

Manly West is a suburb located 16 kilometres east of the Brisbane CBD. This suburb is predominantly residential, however, Manly West does have some commercial and thriving retail areas serviced for many years by our team at Bob Gunn Pest Control.

Areas surrounding Manly West such as Manly, Wynnum, Lota, Alexandra Hills, Cleveland, Capalaba, Victoria Point, Sheldon, Mount Cotton & Victoria Point are also regularly serviced by Bob Gunn Pest Control.

Manly West is one of Redlands leafy bayside suburbs, with a population of over 12000, Bob Gunn Pest Control have serviced the area for many years and is well positioned to provide pre purchase inspection reports in Manly or Manly West.

Manly West is also on the bay, meaning lots of tidal water moving through, and Termites love moisture and they will always find it, especially when it’s dry. If your home is in Manly West or around a creek, consider a Termite Inspection every 12 months by a licensed timber pest inspector in Redlands.

When it comes to pest control in Manly West, Bob Gunn Termite Solutions has a process in place. We begin with determining your pest problem and identifying its possible causes.

Our licensed pest control technicians will then come up with a recommendation that meets environmental requirements and one that will effectively solve your pest situation.

We also provide Bird Proofing solutions in Manly West to put an end to those pigeons nesting under your solar panels. Bird Proofing, Bird Netting in Brisbane are just some of the many services we can provide.

To ensure that your pest problem is efficiently managed, we will inspect both your property and environment, and inform you in case there are other pests in your area. Our team will suggest a pest control program that will allow you to be in control of your home and surroundings to prevent damage to your property and environment in Manly West. This is the same for residential and commercial properties in Manly West.

You have the option to choose which treatment and pest control system will be used to eliminate your problem and manage your environment.

If you are building a new home, renovating or buying a home in Manly West, you will need to consider what termite prevention solutions are available. Our company offers all types of solutions including physical and chemical barriers as well as reticulation systems.


Manly West Termite Hazard Level

High – Very High Risk

Termite Hazard Level Gauge image

According to the Interim Termite Hazard Map by CSIRO, the Brisbane area, where Manly West is located, is in the high-risk category for termite infestation.

Because Manly West is close to the sea, the area is a good target by drywood termites, which need high moisture content in the timber they attack.

Termite Images Suburb

Termite Image from CSIRO

Throughout Queensland, the most commonly found termites are Subterranean termites and Drywood termites.

The West Indian drywood termite, is the world’s most destructive drywood termite. It is the culprit to massive economic damage to timber houses in Queensland, including properties in Manly West.

  • A coastal environment like Wynnum is prone to termite and vermin attacks.

  • The number one thing that attracts termites is water or moisture. It is almost a guarantee that if a home has water leakage problems, it will soon be invaded by termites, if it hasn’t been already.

  • Damage to homes, whether made from weatherboard, is likely if termites, or white ants, are left unchecked. 


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