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Termite Home Inspections in Windsor

Office Hours:

Monday to Friday: 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Technician Hours:

Monday to Saturday: 7:00 AM – 3:30 PM

P: (07) 3286 9877
E: admin@bobgunn.com.au


Pest Control in Windsor

This inner northern residential suburb in Brisbane is located about 3.5 km from the Brisbane CBD.

There is also a significant retail activity along Lutwyche and Newmarket Roads.

Windsor, one of Brisbane’s oldest suburbs, is imbued with the history of the city. Grand old homes, stately Queenslanders, heritage sites and renovated workers cottages dot the landscape. Mixed in among these traditional homes are newly built modern apartments in various styles and budget.

The hilly parts of Windsor offer spectacular views of the city while the lowlands offer the peace and quiet of Enoggera Creek. Parklands and walkways are available along Enoggera Creek, where you can stroll on the way to Downey Park, which has playing fields, parkland and some bushland.

There are plenty of good restaurants in Windsor as well as accommodations including four-star hotels and motor inns. It also has good schools, reliable public transportation and a vibrant community spirit, making Windsor an ideal place to settle down.

Potential Risks for Pest Infestation

The charming suburb of Windsor also has its own problem with pests. These pests thrive in the type of environment and weather that are also enjoyed by locals who call Windsor home.

Wasp Control in Windsor

Australia is home to various wasp species. These are the hornets, yellow jacket, paper wasp and killer cicadas. They feed on a variety of food, such smaller insects, sweets and proteins like meat. Wasps are also found in urban environments where these foods are found, so it would not be uncommon to see wasps in cities, especially in places like restaurants, backyards and condo rubbish rooms.

Their nests may be visible or hidden. If visible, the nest could be hanging from horizontal surfaces, which are usually tree branches, overhangs, porch ceilings, and a building’s eaves. There may be nests that are hidden in attics, wall voids, and areas beneath the stairs.

Rodent Control

Rodents are one of the most annoying and dangerous pests that can invade a home as they are hardy, obstinate and destructive. They put in a lot of effort to enter a structure that they think may provide food sources and can easily squeeze through tight gaps and crevices.

These pests leave trails and droppings in the areas they roam. They are social animals and will build nests in places where they have gathered such as under furniture, in gutters, behind walls, or inside pipes or conduits. Their nest is easily identifiable because of the materials used in constructing them such as wood, paper, cotton, etc. Getting rid of rats and mice may be difficult without assistance from professional pest control technicians.

Cockroach Control in Windsor

There are only about 10 species that are considered as pests out of the roughly 4,000 known species of cockroaches around the world. The species of cockroaches that are common in Windsor are the American Cockroach, Oriental Cockroach, Smokey Brown Cockroach, German Cockroach and Brown Banded Cockroach. These species have become successful scavengers that co-exist with humans.

They are considered pests because they can spread diseases and contaminate food, utensils and various areas with their faeces, shed skins, empty egg cases, dead cockroaches and vomit marks on surfaces.


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Ant Control in Windsor

Ants are active throughout the year, but more so during the summer months. There are a few thousand ant species in Australia but only a small number is considered pests. Two of the most common species are Black Ants and Coastal Bown Ants, which develop nests in and around homes.

Ants live in colonies that may be found in the dirt, in wood, beneath pavers, in wall cavities or roofing gaps. They can travel far in search of food, which they intend to take back to their nest. Inside the home, ants are often found crawling in the kitchen area cupboards, bathrooms, wall surfaces, near electrical devices, along paths, and other areas where they can easily find food and water.

They are considered pests because they can contaminate food and some species like the fire ants, green ants and bulldog ants, deliver a painful bite, which may trigger allergic reactions in some people.

Spider Control

There are hundreds of species of spiders in Australia, including some of the most dangerous. The species of spiders that are commonly treated by pest control professionals are Garden Wolf Spider, Redback Spider, White-tail Spider and Huntsman Spider.

Some species choose to remain close to nature and spin webs in the harden or in areas close to lights. They are most active at night, usually to look for food, which are other bugs and other species of spiders. They tend to become lively when the weather turns cold, as they emerge from their hiding places in search of a mate. The life cycle of some species end during autumn. Others go into hibernation until spring arrives.

Termite Control in Windsor

In Australia, one in three homes are having termite problems now. This is why termite detection and eradication are essential. These pests may build their nest as far as 100 metres away from a structure and enter through any holes at ground level, such as cracks in mortar joints. However, termites more often gain access from underneath and remain undetected until the damage they have wrought has become obvious.

This is why annual termite inspect by pest control experts should not be neglected. This is to ensure your home remains safe from termites, which may be invisible to the untrained eye.

If you are building a new home, renovating or buying a home in Windsor, you will need to consider what termite prevention solutions are available. Our company offers all types of solutions including physical and chemical barriers as well as reticulation systems. You can reach us on


Windsor Termite Hazard Level

High – Very High Risk

Termite Hazard Level Gauge image

According to the Interim Termite Hazard Map by CSIRO, the Brisbane area, where Windsor is located, is in the high-risk category for termite infestation.

Because Windsor is close to the sea, the area is a good target by drywood termites, which need high moisture content in the timber they attack.

Termite Images Suburb

Termite Image from CSIRO

Throughout Queensland, the most commonly found termites are Subterranean termites and Drywood termites.

The West Indian drywood termite, is the world’s most destructive drywood termite. It is the culprit to massive economic damage to timber houses in Queensland, including properties in Windsor.

  • A coastal environment like Wynnum is prone to termite and vermin attacks.

  • The number one thing that attracts termites is water or moisture. It is almost a guarantee that if a home has water leakage problems, it will soon be invaded by termites, if it hasn’t been already.

  • Damage to homes, whether made from weatherboard, is likely if termites, or white ants, are left unchecked. 


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