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Pest Control Specialists in Spring Hill

Office Hours:

Monday to Friday: 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Technician Hours:

Monday to Saturday: 7:00 AM – 3:30 PM

P: (07) 3286 9877
E: admin@bobgunn.com.au


Pest Control in Spring Hill

Spring Hill, an inner suburb of Brisbane, is located 2 km north of the CBD. Some of its areas are considered as extensions of the CBD.

It had 5,974 residents as of 2016.

Its original name was Spring Hollow because of the natural springs in the area. It became Spring Hill when well-known citizens moved to the homes on the ridge.

Being one of the oldest suburbs in Brisbane, plenty of homes date back from the 19th century. However, a significant portion of the older residential and commercial buildings have been knocked down to give way to new office blocks and apartment buildings.

Like many old suburbs in Brisbane, Spring Hill has several heritage-listed sites, including Lonsdale House, William Grigor’s House, Cliveden Mansion, and more.

The suburb features hills and plenty of green spaces such as Victoria Park, Bedford Park and the nearby Roma Street Parklands. It is mainly residential with a thriving commercial precinct. Residents enjoy an inner-city lifestyle as well as the vibrant culture of neighbouring suburb like Fortitude Valley.

Gregory Terrace separates the suburb’s developed areas from the large areas of green spaces and is home to some of the most popular schools in Brisbane.

During the week, Spring Hill is alive with small business activity. There are so many local attractions to see in Spring Hill, among the oldest are The Windmill in Wickham Park and the Spring Hill Baths.

Potential Risks for Pest Infestation

Spring Hill being one of oldest suburbs in Brisbane, has its fair share of pest problems, despite it being having a well-established residential and commercial areas. A combination of environment and geography makes the suburb vulnerable to pests like termites, ants, mosquitoes, rodents, etc.

If you are experiencing a termite, ant or any pest problem, contact professional pest controllers to provide you with effective and long-term solution.

Rodent Control in Spring Hill

Rodents can multiply fast and can cause significant economic impact to homes and businesses because of their gnawing habit. They can also contaminate food, surfaces and other things by the droppings they leave behind. They cause can various spread diseases through contact with their droppings, urine, saliva and even close contact with them.

If you hear scratching noises coming from your roof or inside your walls, especially at night, it is a sure sign that you are dealing with a rodent infestation. If you discover 50-10 droppings in a night, your house has been taken over by rodents and you need the help of professional pest control specialists to get rid of them.

Spider Removal

Spiders are generally harmless, but many people still don’t want to see crawling around their space. However, in a country like Australia, spider invasion is to be expected.

These eight-legged creatures can be found hiding anywhere in your house, in the shower, inside the drawers, in the corner of the walls, and even under the pillows. If you don’t see live spiders, there are other signs of their presence, including spider webs and sacs of spider eggs.

Spiders feed on other small bugs like mosquitoes. One way to avoid a spider invasion is not taking other bugs into your house because they are food to spiders. Your home will attract spiders if it has many bugs.

Cockroach Control in Spring Hill

If you have a cockroach infestation, they will be everywhere in your home. They will usually be found hiding under beds, kitchen tables, chairs, bathrooms, etc.

The most common species of cockroaches found in homes is the German Cockroach, which love to crawl on kitchen utensils and the food in the kitchen. Cockroaches are usually seen at night because they try to avoid humans.

Cockroaches are a serious problem because they can cause various health issues. The bacteria they carry within their bodies can cause various diseases that affect humans.

They enter your homes through small holes in search of food. Cockroaches can be deterred by storing your food properly and sealing any holes that can be used as entry point.


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Ant Control in Spring Hill

Ants can be annoying because they seem to be everywhere and increase in large numbers in a short time. This is because these insects are strong, capable and intelligent.

Though they are generally harmless, they can be difficult to get rid of. Ants can easily take over places where there are plenty of food and moisture like the kitchens and bathrooms.

Searching for food is a never-ending task for ants, and they have a keen sense of where to find it. If you want to avoid having ants in your house, maintain cleanliness and always store your food in containers with tight lids.

Mosquito Control

Mosquitoes can multiply quickly because their eggs can develop to adults in six to 10 days. They are found near still water, where their larvae feed until they are ready to leave their breeding ground as grown mosquitoes.

They are attracted by bright colours, so if you are to go out, especially at dawn or dusk when they are most active, wear dark clothes. Also avoid wearing scents as these are another thing that attract mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes are not only unpleasant and annoying, they can also spread diseases. Their bite can spread various diseases, including malaria, dengue fever, etc. These blood-sucking are notorious in that they have been the cause of millions of deaths throughout history.

Termite Control in Spring Hill

There are two types of termites that are found in Queensland: subterranean and dry-wood termites. Subterranean termites are the most destructive, causing structural damage to properties.

Termites primarily feed on wood, but they also love books, paper, insulation, and more. The problem with termite damage, aside from it requiring to be fixed, is that it can be used by other pests to gain access into a property.

Termite infestation should be treated seriously because the extent of damage they can cause could cost hundreds of dollars in repairs. As a preventive measure, make sure your home has a termite barrier in places and is inspected regularly, especially in red zones for termite activity.

If you are building a new home, renovating or buying a home in Spring Hill, you will need to consider what termite prevention solutions are available. Our company offers all types of solutions including physical and chemical barriers as well as reticulation systems. You can reach us on


Spring Hill Termite Hazard Level

High – Very High Risk

Termite Hazard Level Gauge image

According to the Interim Termite Hazard Map by CSIRO, the Brisbane area, where Spring Hill is located, is in the high-risk category for termite infestation.

Because Spring Hill is close to the sea, the area is a good target by drywood termites, which need high moisture content in the timber they attack.

Termite Images Suburb

Termite Image from CSIRO

Throughout Queensland, the most commonly found termites are Subterranean termites and Drywood termites.

The West Indian drywood termite, is the world’s most destructive drywood termite. It is the culprit to massive economic damage to timber houses in Queensland, including properties in Spring Hill.

  • A coastal environment like Wynnum is prone to termite and vermin attacks.

  • The number one thing that attracts termites is water or moisture. It is almost a guarantee that if a home has water leakage problems, it will soon be invaded by termites, if it hasn’t been already.

  • Damage to homes, whether made from weatherboard, is likely if termites, or white ants, are left unchecked. 


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Enquire for a service required and get a FREE quote

Bob Gunn not only specialises in termite control, but also designs effective solutions based on your needs and budget! Click here to learn more about our termite control and management services in Spring Hill.

Have another pest problem? Don’t worry, we treat a large range of pests. Visit our ‘Pests Treated‘ page now to find out more, or simply call our friendly experts today on 07 3286 9877 to book an appointment.

Residents of Spring Hill, request a free quote from Bob Gunn Termite Solutions, the pest control experts today!

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