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Termite Home Inspections in Bald Hills

Office Hours:

Monday to Friday: 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Technician Hours:

Monday to Saturday: 7:00 AM – 3:30 PM

P: (07) 3286 9877
E: admin@bobgunn.com.au


Pest Control in Bald Hills

Bald Hills is the northernmost residential suburb in Brisbane, located near the South Pine River. It is located 20 km north

There are 6,502 residents in Bald Hills.

Some of the bushland that surrounds Bald Hills has been cleared to make way for new residential development. On the western side of the suburb is Bald Hills Flats, a large flood plain that is used for cattle grazing. The South Pine River, which flows through the flood plain, marks the western boundary of Bald Hills.

The northern border is marked by the Pine River, which is the convergence between the South Pine River and the North Pine River. A large environmental park, the Tinchi Tamba Wetlands Reserve, is located along the banks of Pine River within the suburb.

Bald Hills is famously known as the home of the Bald Hills Radiator, ABC network’s 198-metre-tall AM radio transmission tower, which is located on the eastern side of Bald Hills.

Bald Hills is one of the older suburbs and features large tracks of farmland. Housing consists of single-detached homes and a few unit/townhouse complexes.

Potential Risks for Pest Infestation

Surrounded by bushland, river and farmland, Bald Hills offers the perfect place for pests. Here are some of the pests that threaten the properties and people in Bald Hills.

Ant Control in Bald Hills

Ants are common pests because they are constantly searching for food to feed their colonies. They are a common sight in homes, which offer a reliable source of food for their colony.

The location of their colony will depend on the species of ant. For some species, nest can be located in retaining walls. For others, such as black ants, their colonies can be found in garden beds, lawns and vegetation.

The species of ants that are commonly encountered in Brisbane households are Black Ants, Coastal Brown Ants, Funnel Ants, Green Ants, Meat Ants and Sugar Ants.

Mosquito Control

An invasion of mosquitoes in your home can be quite annoying with the constant buzzing and biting. It is also dangerous as mosquitoes are one of the deadliest animals on the planet. Mortality rate from mosquito-borne diseases in Australia because of our high health standards. However, these blood-sucking pests are still the culprit in transmitting serious diseases to humans and pets, including dogs and cats.

The females lay their eggs in standing water. Making sure their breeding grounds are not available within your property reduces the possibility of infestation. Mosquitoes are drawn to warmth, which makes people, pests and other mammals perfect hosts for them.

Cockroach Control in Bald Hills

A cockroach infestation can get out of hand quickly because these pests live communally and the females can produce up to 40 eggs at a time. They are also highly adaptable, which makes them hard to eliminate.

They prefer warm, humid and dark environments and will thrive in locations where they have ready access to second-hand food such as bread crumbs and other food scraps.

Most people won’t notice that they have a cockroach problem until they see a live cockroach in their home. However, cockroaches avoid the light, so they are most likely active when it’s hard and people are sleeping.

The species of cockroaches that are common in residential and commercial spaces are American Cockroaches, Australian Cockroaches and German Cockroaches.


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Silverfish Control

Silverfish is one of the oldest species on the plant, which scientists proposing that they even predate the mighty dinosaurs by 100 million years. With that said, silverfish is still a nuisance at home because of their voracious feeding habits.

They don’t pose a threat to humans, but they can destroy personal and household items such as paper, glue and cloth. They can be difficult to detect because they tend to hide from humans. This is the reason why ignoring a silverfish infestation can be devastating to households.

Silverfish prefer dark and damp places such as bathrooms, garages, subfloors and behind walls. Because of their preferred locations, it can take some time to detect silverfish presence.

Spider Control in Bald Hills

Spiders aren’t the most dangerous animal in the world, but they are among the most common calls for pest control services in Australia.

With webbing spiders, their webs are an annoying sight and can make your house look untidy and unhygienic. And then there are species like funnel-webs that are venomous. Their bite can be deadly if the patient is not given immediate medical attention.

The species of spiders that you are most likely to encounter are Daddy Long Legs, Black House Spider, Brown House Spider, Redback Spider and White-tail Spider.

Wasp Control

Out of the more than 30,000 species of wasps that have been discovered so far, there are three that are the most prevalent: Paper Wasps, Hornets and Yellow Jackets.

Wasp sting, which are very painful and can cause severe allergic reactions in some people. One wasp can sting multiple times because, unlike bees, they don’t die after a single sting. They also tend to swarm when threatened, if they suddenly attack.

During the summer months, wasps hunt for food that they can store for winter. Because of this, barbeques or picnics may attract wasps and increase the possibility of someone being stung by one. Wasp nests are usually located around houses attached to gutters, garden sheds and the eaves of a house.

Termite Control in Bald Hills

Termites are a serious problem in Queensland, affecting one in five Australian homes and causing millions of dollars’ worth of damages every year.

Brisbane’s warm, humid climate allows these wood-eating tests to damage a home in less than 12 months. This is because termites feed 24/7. There are two types of termites that can infest homes and businesses: subterranean termites and drywood termites.

With termite infestation having a high probability of occurring in Brisbane homes, termite barriers and regular termite inspections are important.

If you are building a new home, renovating or buying a home in Bald Hills, you will need to consider what termite prevention solutions are available. Our company offers all types of solutions including physical and chemical barriers as well as reticulation systems. You can reach us on


Bald Hills Termite Hazard Level

High – Very High Risk

Termite Hazard Level Gauge image

According to the Interim Termite Hazard Map by CSIRO, the Brisbane area, where Bald Hills is located, is in the high-risk category for termite infestation.

Because Bald Hills is close to the sea, the area is a good target by drywood termites, which need high moisture content in the timber they attack.

Termite Images Suburb

Termite Image from CSIRO

Throughout Queensland, the most commonly found termites are Subterranean termites and Drywood termites.

The West Indian drywood termite, is the world’s most destructive drywood termite. It is the culprit to massive economic damage to timber houses in Queensland, including properties in Bald Hills.

  • A coastal environment like Wynnum is prone to termite and vermin attacks.

  • The number one thing that attracts termites is water or moisture. It is almost a guarantee that if a home has water leakage problems, it will soon be invaded by termites, if it hasn’t been already.

  • Damage to homes, whether made from weatherboard, is likely if termites, or white ants, are left unchecked. 


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How Bob Gunn Termite Home Inspections Can Help:
Bob Gunn Termite Solutions specialises in termite control and works with a team of skilled experts who are fully trained in identifying and treating a wide range of pest problems.
Why Hawthorne Needs Bob Gunn Termite Solutions:
Research shows that the average annual growth on property in Hawthorne is over 2.5 percent, which brings with it the need for effective and skilled property pest control, pre-construction pest inspections and building pest inspections — Bob Gunn Termite Solutions has been offering these services throughout Queensland for over 25 years.
Don’t Worry About Pests:
The residents and business owners of Hawthorne can rest assured their property will be treated professionally to control any kind of pests.

Residents of Hawthorne, request a free quote for Termite Home Inspection from Bob Gunn Termite Solutions, the pest control experts today!

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